Easy Lift Setup

Easy Lift Limit Programming

Door must be in the closed position and door latched to the motor extrusion

    1. Press K1 button until a “L” is displayed on the motor.
    2. Press the K1 button to move the door into the closed position. Note the door can be inched
      by press and releasing the K1 button.
    3. When the door is in the desired open position, press the K3 button. (K3 saves the open/close
    4. Press the K2 button to move the door into the closed position. Note the door can be inched
      by pressing and releasing the K2 button.
    5. When the door is in the desired closed position, press the K3 button. (K3 saves the
      open/close position.)

    After pressing the K3 button the door will now open and close to pre-set the sensitivity

    Easy Lift Remote Programming

    1. Press and hold the K4 button until a red LED is displayed on the motor.
    2. Select button on remote to be programmed.
    3. Press and release the desired button. LED on motor will go off.
    4. Press and release the same button on the remote again. LED on motor will flash.
    5. Motor will now return to ready mode. (II)
    6. To clear all remotes, press and hold K4 until a “C” appears flashing.

    Easy Lift Sensitivity/Power Setup

    1. Press and hold the K2 button until a “P” is displayed on the motor.
    2. Use the K1 and K2 button to move up and down the 1-9 scale. Number 1 is the
      weakest and number 9 the strongest.
    3. Choose the power number according to the size and weight of the door.
    4. Press the K3 button to save the setting.
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